‘We’ve Got One’ – Pundit reacts as Rangers-linked ace let go by PL giant

Derek Ferguson doesn’t believe Rangers need to sign Reuell Walters as a replacement for James Tavernier because Dujon Sterling is perfect for the job.

The Light Blues have shown interest in the former Arsenal youngster [Daily Record, 4 June], and he is now available after being released by the Premier League club this week.

But ex-Ibrox midfielder Ferguson doesn’t think such a deal is necessary when one of the stars of last season from all over the line-up is the man to take over from the long-serving skipper.


Tavernier was once again almost ever-present at right-back last term meaning Sterling, who arrived on a free transfer from Chelsea last summer as an option for that position, played in most places but there.


Now with the captain strongly linked to a move away this summer Ferguson has dismissed a Walters signing and wants to see Sterling given the chance to take over.

He exclusively told Ibrox News: “No we’ve got one, we’ve got Sterling. He should go right in there.


“Sterling’s been played in every position, apart from in goal I think, and that just shows you the boy’s attitude, it’s first class. I absolutely love that.

“I tell you what, he probably is pretty good in goal as well, I wouldn’t put that past him.”

Dujon Sterling the man to replace James Tavernier at Rangers

Assuming this summer is when the long-held links to Steven Gerrard in Saudi Arabia turn into a Tavernier exit Sterling did more than enough in his first campaign in Glasgow to prove he deserves a chance to take over.

If anything he may have done too much and his skills would, if anything, be restricted at right-back when he looked good in central midfield.


Whether the news that an expected move for Kenny McLean is now off [Rangers Review, 3 July] might end up having a knock-on effect on the plans for the centre of the park, and therefore Sterling’s usage, remains to be seen.


Walters would be a relatively cheap option if Philippe Clement likes him, but it looks like he might not be available for long.





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