Zinedine Zidane’s ‘unbelievable’ favourite ever player used to play for Celtic

‘Unbelievable’… Zinedine Zidane’s favourite ever player used to play for Celtic

Celtic fans have had the pleasure of watching some real, genuine world-class players turn out in the green and white Hoops over the ages.

In an article written earlier this week, I named such players as Henrik Larsson, Paul McStay and Jimmy Johnstone as a few examples of the quality that has graced Parkhead’s turf.But when you hear that one of the game’s all-time greats used to worship a player who actually played for modern-day Celtic, you sit up and take notice.

Because that is what Peter Martin has just done. The journalist-turned-pundit was sharing a story about when he had to interview a player Celtic signed back in 1998 and when doing his research, discovered that Zinedine Zidane was a massive fan of his.

Zidane loved former Celtic hero Lubomir Moravcik

Martin was telling a story about how he had to interview Lubo not long after signing for Celtic when he contacted a French media channel about getting footage of some of the Slovakian midfielder’s goals.Martin said [PLZ Soccer], “I got to interview him [Lubo Moravcik] and obviously I was working for STV had to get footage of him.

“So I phoned Canal+ and I said, ’Lubomir Moravcik, played over there, could you send me some goals?’ and he went, ‘How many?’

“And I thought to myself, ‘What?’ and he said there are so many he says, ‘Unbelievable. Left foot, right foot, you name it.’And he said I’ve also got an interview with Zinedine Zidane saying he is his favourite player from French football.”And it’s little wonder Zidane worships him. Moravcik was an absolute genius who was loved by the Celtic supporters.

The things he could do with a ball at his feet mesmerised the Hoops support as he helped Martin O’Neill win a treble, Celtic’s first since the Jock Stein era, in his maiden season in 2001.It’s incredible to think that a player who was so highly regarded and talented didn’t manage to win anything in the game until he reached his thirties.

But the other team’s loss was Celtic’s huge gain as Moravcik left us with memories we will all never forget.



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