Rangers star does not show up to int’L training camp, flights were paid

Mohamed Diomande update as Ghana pay for flights this week

According to the Rangers Review, Ghana had anticipated that Rangers star Mohamed Diomande would show up to their training camp in Marrakech after covering his airfare.

The 22-year-old hasn’t shown up at the Black Stars’ headquarters despite being called up to both their full squad and the Ivory Coast U-23s team this week, the news agency said on its website on Thursday, March 21.
The midfield player, who was born in Ivory Coast, was said to be in the process of deciding which country to chose after the two countries fought for his loyalty.

Mohamed Diomande’s transition from Ibrox
The recent respect Diomande has received from both nations is a result of his early success while wearing a Rangers shirt.
Rangers: Mohamed Diomande update as Ghana pay for flights this week
Ghana paid for his flights to attend their training camp, which is an intriguing circumstance since it implies they thought he would represent them.

The midfield player, who was raised in Ghana and participated in their Right to Dream Academy, is eligible to play for the Black Stars because he is a citizen of that nation.

Rangers supporters at Ibrox, encouraging the team.
However, it appears that he wishes to represent his native nation, and there’s really no need to criticize him for that as it’s a decision that most people would likely make.

The fact that he might decide to play for the Ivory Coast U-23 team demonstrates his dedication to representing them when a chance to play with the entire Ghanaian team is presented.


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