“This is a completely lie,” Journalist calls out Daily Record’s anti-Celtic story on Bernabei

After the Glasgow-based newspaper and website published a completely false headline on Celtic midfielder Alexandro Bernabei, an Argentine writer has taken aim at two Daily Record colleagues.

The article’s title on the Daily Record website shouts…

In an attempt to show Rodgers what’s lacking, Alexandro Bernabei couldn’t WAIT to quit Celtic and pursue a Brazilian comeback.
Below is the subheading:

After going on loan from Celtic earlier this month, Bernabei seems happy at International, suggesting that maybe he wasn’t happy at Celtic? Two writers are acknowledged in the article: Mark Walker and Robbie Copeland, who is identified as a “Live Sports Writer.”

After removing the story’s anti-Celtic slant, all you need to do is examine the lines from Bernabei that the Record utilised, and attempt to decipher the headline.

“I was desperate to return and see South American football firsthand. This International tee makes me feel really emotional and energised. Understanding the purpose of this group motivates me to join and leave a lasting mark.

“I wanted to come here as soon as I heard that International was interested in me.” My football skills include being quick, having good ball crossing technique, and possessing a lot of drive and aggression. However, you’ll see that where it counts—on the pitch. This season, I’m going to give the cause all. Bernabei Alexandro

That is all. Where is it stated that Bernabei was eager to get away from Celtic?

Where is it said that his goal is to reveal to Brendan Rodgers what he is lacking?

And for precisely that reason, a colleague journalist from Argentina—the country of Alexandro Bernardo’s birth—has criticised the Daily Record’s headline. Seba Ongarelli used social media platforms to voice his opinions. He declared:

“Normally, I stay out of these kinds of situations. Even for me, Berna didn’t perform as I had anticipated, but this is a total fabrication.

All they want to do is invent an issue where none exists. Shame on the Daily Record’s journalism.



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