Love my country, but love Celtic more

Though I love my country, my true passion is Celtic. For me, it’s always club over country.

I’m a happy Scot. I adore my nation and wish every Scottish man or woman to succeed in any endeavour they choose to represent it in, be it athletics or another area of life. I always stand by them completely.

Of course, the Scottish national football team is included in this. After Celtic, they are my second favourite team. or possibly third after the women’s Celtic FC team. or, as you can see, fourth after the Celtic B Team. Any day of the week, if I had to pick between club and nation, I would always, always go with Celtic. I have a stronger affection for Celtic than I do for my own country.

This week, Darren Bent stirred up some controversy on talksport by declaring that he preferred Arsenal over England winning the Euros. There’s not the least issue with that.

Of course you would want to see both, but in my opinion, club success is far more important than national success. Thus, given the option to choose between Celtic winning the league this season and Scotland winning the European Championship (which I know is unachievable), I would always choose a Celtic championship victory.

I enjoy seeing Scotland play, and I’m excited to follow Callum McGregor and the rest of the Scotland team’s progress in Germany this summer. Simply said, I enjoy watching Celtic more than any other team, and I care far more about our club’s performance than any Scotland-related international match. It is not negotiable. That doesn’t lessen my patriotism; it’s just the way things are, and for many other people who read this, things will remain the same.

I’m not sure how this all works in Ireland; is the Republic established before the Celtic people, or the other way around? Inform us.



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