Recruitment duo should spark mass clear out at Celtic

Yesterday, some positive news broke: top scout Joe Dudgeon followed outgoing head of recruiting Mark Lawwell when he left.

They made the decision to quit on their own, but it’s impossible not to believe that they were coerced into it. If this is the case, it indicates that Lawwell Junior and Dudgeon were the victims of a forceful demonstration and that the board is feeling the heat from our disapproval. However, my cynical side would argue that it’s only a smokescreen because season ticket renewals are almost approaching.

They should not underestimate our intelligence, though, if they believe that the dismissal of two persons who performed their jobs incompetently will enable us to forget all of their prior transgressions.

Lawwell and Dudgeon should only be the beginning of the great migration. Both, despite their guilt, failed to fulfill their mandate, which was to bring great signings to the team.

The ones at the top ought to pursue the two of them out the door and likewise offer no compassion. We need a structural shift, and while firing the people in control of hiring is a good thing, we still need to take more drastic measures. With any luck, Michael Nicholson has realized this and is quietly working to realise his goal of making Celtic the best in the world at all levels.

Although Lawwell and Dudgeon’s dismissal will give the decision-makers some time, the Celtic supporters will still remember their shortcomings. While this is a positive beginning, we want and deserve more.



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