‘Sign him now’… Charlie Mulgrew says Motherwell have a player who could easily play for…

Celtic’s win over Motherwell showed a different side to this team that the supporters have not seen in quite a long time.Sign him now'… Charlie Mulgrew says Motherwell have a player who could  easily play for CelticWith goals from Adam Idah and Luis Palma in the second half, Brendan Rodgers’ team overcame a 1-0 deficit to win 3-1 thanks to fighting spirit, passion, and—possibly most importantly—creativity.Charlie Mulgrew, a former Celtics star, was particularly drawn to a Motherwell player’s performance.Yesterday, while doing his punditry duties on Sky Sports, the former Celtic defender waxed poetic over young Lennon Miller.
Charlie Mulgrew insists that Lennon Miller be signed by Celtic.

Mulgrew urged Celtic to recruit the 17-year-old Motherwell midfielder after he showed a beautiful turn that left Callum McGregor in no man’s land and played a significant part in the first goal.

Mulgrew remarked, “You see the effect he has on the game today,” to Sky Sports. The way he plays, he plays like a man.”He is really intelligent. He is shown requesting that the goalie take the kickoff and flick it on, much like his father did.What a talented individual. sensible boy. also hails from a respectable family.”I would sign him right away and add him to the team if I were the Celtics or Rangers. What an athlete he is.James McFadden, a co-pundit, was not having any of that conversation and joked, “Hey, hey! Allow him to develop!

Miller is unquestionably a talented player. Additionally, he exhibits a great deal of maturity for his age. Mulgrew is right.With all due diligence, the young player is not going to be able to start ahead of our top three midfielders, but if Celtic were to sign him, he would be a fantastic addition to the squad and would need to be loaned out right away.



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