£6m star player to leave Celtic before transfer deadline

Cameron Carter-Vickers has signed a new contract at Celtic much to the delight of many fans. The American has committed his future to the Scottish champions, and, as you can imagine, supporters are buzzing that one of their key players will be sticking around for the foreseeable future. However, not everyone is quite so pleased about this deal. Indeed, speaking on the Call it What You Want Podcast, former USA defender, Jimmy Conrad, has claimed that he’s slightly disappointed that Carter-Vickers is staying at Celtic, claiming that he wanted to see his fellow countryman go elsewhere and test himself at the very top level. Carter-Vickers should’ve left Conrad shared his verdict on the £6m man.

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“As for me, Cameron Carter-Vickers re-signing with Celtic was interesting. There are different ways to slice that. Maybe he re-signed so his transfer fee is higher and Celtic can get more money for him. I was hoping that at this point he would look away from Celtic and test himself in a different league. With all due respect to the Scottish Premiership, you get some good games against Rangers and Aberdeen sometimes, but I wanted him to take another step, there’s clearly recognition that he could be a top player, but I just wanted to see if he could cut his teeth in another league that is a bit better.


I’m not disappointed, but I was hopeful that he’d make a move here,” Conrad said. Good enough Of course, these comments could be construed as being disrespectful to Celtic or Scottish football in general, but the wider point being made is that Carter-Vickers is good enough to play at a higher level. The centre-back has completely transformed since joining the Bhoys a few years ago, and now, he’s surely ready for another pop at the Premier League or another top European league. Of course, Conrad is talking as an American who wants the best for his national team, but we’re sure Celtic fans disagree with his view and are more than happy to see Carter-Vickers staying on at Celtic Park.



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