Celtic Must Address Embarrassing Celtic Park Issue After County Wi

In the aftermath of Celtic’s narrow 1-0 victory over Ross County on Saturday, the spotlight, unfortunately, turns not to the scrappy win but to the lamentable state of the Celtic Park pitch. For a club of Celtic’s stature, the condition of the playing surface this weekend was simply not up to par. Celtic, a team renowned for their slick, fast-paced style of play, found themselves battling not only their opponents but also the ragged terrain of their own home ground.

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In a match where the football was, at times, less than inspiring, the pitch did little to aid Celtic’s cause. The surface, marred by wear and tear, hindered the fluidity of the game, a critical component of Celtic’s approach to football. The issue of the pitch condition at Celtic Park is one that cannot be ignored or excused as a mere consequence of winter. Yes, it’s the colder season, but this is not an unfamiliar scenario for a club situated in Scotland. Celtic boasts a dedicated ground staff, equipped with the necessary tools and technology to maintain a pitch that should withstand the rigours of a Scottish winter. The question then arises: why has this not been achieved? The deteriorating state of the pitch is not just a cosmetic concern; it’s a matter of professionalism and pride for a club of Celtic’s calibre.

The current state of their home ground does not reflect the high standards that Celtic is known for. Over the next few weeks, with Celtic playing three consecutive away games, there lies an opportunity for the ground staff to address this issue head-on. It is imperative that this time is used effectively to restore the pitch to a good enough standard. It’s crucial to note, however, that the pitch at Celtic Park was not the sole reason for the team’s lacklustre performance against Ross County. While it certainly was a factor, it’s an oversimplification to lay the blame solely at the feet of the ground conditions. The team itself must also reflect on their performance and seek improvement.



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