Mark Wilson thinks Nicolas Kuhn’s arrival spells bad news for Celtic duo

If this happens, then Brendan Rodgers will be bringing in a winger, with Mark Wilson admitting that he didn’t think this position was a ‘priority’.

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You would expect Nicolas Kuhn’s arrival to push certain players down the pecking order and possibly out of the Celtic exit door.

Mark Wilson feels that Mikey Johnston and James Forrest will be those players because of how many options Brendan Rodgers can now pick from, as he told Clyde 1.

With James Forrest, it’s a case of him turning 33 in July, so if he does end up leaving in the summer, then it wouldn’t be a surprise.

The same can’t be said for Mikey Johnston because he is supposed to be making those starts, but when he has been handed chances this season, it just hasn’t worked.

And now it’s probably too late for the Republic of Ireland star to turn that around because of how many players that will now be ahead of him.

Nicolas Kuhn’s arrival at Celtic

“It does look like one that’s gathering pace and there is some truth behind it rather than speculative stuff you hear,” said Wilson.

“It’s not a position I thought was a priority position, if I am being honest for Celtic – when I count the wingers now at Celtic. Abada, Yang, Maeda, Palma, Mikey Johnston and James Forrest.

“Okay, some of them might be on their way out. I just didn’t think it would be Brendan Rodgers’ first signing. All of them have played a part at some point in the season.

“Mikey Johnston and James Forrest. I don’t know how much more game time they are going to get –  If you had to add Kuhn to it, who is 23 and a good age to come in. You are kind of stock-piling wingers. It’s a different story if he comes in and he just blows everything away by becoming a starter.”

Mikey Johnston and James Forrest’s future

It’s probably best to part ways with the duo in the summer, take them off the wage bill and move on.

Someone like Johnston would be the biggest disappointment because the quality is there when he is on the ball, but the rest of the game is just off it.

Just go back to the win over Rangers when he came off the bench, if it wasn’t for the team winning, then his pretty poor cameo from the bench would have been highlighted more.

But you would expect going forward, Luis Palma, the potential arrival of Kuhn, Liel Abada and Daizen Maeda as the wide players, with youngster Hyunjun Yang also featuring, which probably leaves the door open for the rest.



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