The inside story of Nicolas Kuhn as Celtic transfer target had giddy Germans raving about the ‘next Messi’

German fans went crazy when they learned that Nicolas Kuhn was a Celtic transfer target, shouting about the “next Messi.”
On his resume, Nicolas Kuhn has played for some of the biggest teams on the continent. Additionally, the Celtic objective is not alone.

Not very long ago, the 24-year-old wide player for Rapid Vienna was considered one of Germany’s best prospects after he took home the coveted Fritz Walter Medal for young players—a trophy that also resides on the mantelpieces of famous athletes like Kai Havertz, Mario Gotze, Timo Werner, and Julian Brandt. Furthermore, people don’t just get carried away by young people who are about to make their breakthrough in Scotland.

The Germans can also get a little carried away, and some pretty delirious onlookers identified Kuhn as the next Lionel Messi when they saw him play for RB Leipzig as a young player. Thus, he might also share a commonality with Ryan Gauld. But Kuhn obviously had a very high ranking when he was younger. childhood exploits for Leipzig gained him a transfer to Ajax, where he was signed by childhood idol Marc Overmars. Under the guidance of Dutch great Michael Reiziger and former Motherwell hero Mitchell van der Gaag, who is currently Manchester United’s number two, he played for the youth and reserve teams.

From there he was picked up by Bayern Munich after his former RB coach Michael Baum pitched up in Bavaria and while now managing to make the breakthrough into the first team, it was still a minor surprise when he headed to Rapid for just £500,000 in the summer of 2022.

When the boy was at Ajax, Reiziger was all over him, and Erik ten Hag, the boss at the time, was as enamored. “He is a great talent with fantastic technique,” Reiziger remarked. He is an extremely quick player who finds it easy to score. Technically skilled and perceptive, he dribbles quickly, is explosive in the opening few meters, goal-oriented, and ready to play the game. Working with players who just require you to slow down is fantastic. We invited him in because we knew that his talent would bring something more, and he did.

Baum feels Kuhn has it all, having had a significant influence in a few of the young scientist’s early decisions. He declared: “He is exceptionally bright, technically proficient, inventive, goal-scoring, and, most importantly, lightning-quick with the ball.” Kuhn’s left foot is capable of doing almost everything.

Rapid is hesitant to sell despite having great expectations for the wide man. However, the Austrian heavyweights are currently struggling financially and are playing in the Bundesliga’s midtable. When Celtic comes calling with a check for more than £3 million, they really can’t afford to be picky. Though necessities must, Rapid would have like to hang onto him longer in order to profit more.

When the child was put into foster care eighteen months ago, they were ecstatic. “He is an absolute dream player for us, one who has been on our radar for a very long time and who we have been looking out for very intensively, since very early on,” stated Rapid sporting director Zoran Barisic. We also saw him in action this season at the stadium with head scout Mathias Ringler and sports coordinator Steffen Hofmann. His energy and technical proficiency will add vibrancy and versatility to our offensive play.

“We have laid out for Nicolas exactly how the club’s future course should be headed. We are even more pleased that he fully understands this task and believes that SK Rapid is the perfect place for him to advance in his career.

Now, the next move appears to be Celtic. It’s safe to assume that some Hoops fans haven’t responded all that enthusiastically. And not simply because Rapid Vienna was the last signing to arrive. They would prefer to forget Boli Bolingoli, but the notorious covid country skipper has nothing to do with their unwillingness to jump to conclusions about the next cab off the Vienna rank.

It’s the reality that he’s a £3 million wide player with enormous potential. When Maryan Shved arrived to make it a million-and-one, Brendan Rodgers, during his first spell, famously declared that he had a million wingers. Now he’s not too far off again. But as of late, maybe similar to 2019, it’s more a matter of quality than quantity.

In the upcoming weeks, players like Yang and Marco Tilio who don’t seem first team ready may be sent out on loan. Although Mikey Johnston has showed glimpses, time is running out. Although Liel Abada has recovered from his injuries, there were rumors that he was going to leave in the summer, and the political unrest in his own Israel may have made things unpleasant.

It makes sense why some fans are connecting the dots about the Kuhn maneuver. People who have witnessed the German play on the right wing claim he is a left footer.

Although he can move quickly enough to get past opponents outside, he prefers to cut inside. Although he has a tendency to monopolize the right touchline, he can play on the opposite side or even as a no. 10. His playing is varied. Although Kuhn hasn’t quite lived up to the high praise he was given as a child, this doesn’t mean he isn’t a good match for the Celts.





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