Fiji lock jailed for sexual assault

Fijian lock For sexually abusing three youths in a bar a few days before he was scheduled to play for the Barbarians in Cardiff last year, Api Ratuniyarawa was sentenced to nearly three years in prison on
COMMERCIAL Three nights in a row, Ratuniyarawa attacked the three young ladies at the same place in the city center. Between October 31 and November 2, 2023, the 37-year-old acknowledged two counts of assault by penetration and one act of sexual assault.

Fijian Rugby World Cup lock Api Ratuniyarawa jailed for sexual assaults in  Wales |

A judge at Cardiff Crown Court sentenced him to two years and ten months in prison. It was mandated that two additional accusations of sexual assault against one of the three women be kept on file. The events were all captured on security footage, and none of the victims—all 19 years old—knew Ratuniyarawa or one another before the incidents. Ratuniyarawa, according to a woman who read her impact statement aloud in court, had “ruined” her life. Ratuniyarawa played forward for the London Irish until the team’s June bankruptcy filing.
COMMERCIAL The lock, who has also played for Agen in France and Northampton Saints, was hopeful that his performance for the invitational team would result in a deal with a new team.

Rather, the assaults have virtually ended his career, the court heard. Ruth Smith, Ratuniyarawa’s attorney, stated that her client acknowledged the “shame that he has brought to himself and his family” and that he wanted to apologize to his victims. The Barbarians, a team that plays multiple matches a year at the Principality Stadium with players from various clubs, took against Wales on November 4.
COMMERCIAL Ratuniyarawa had been to the Welsh capital the previous week for training and media obligations, but he spent the majority of the week out and about socializing, according to prosecutor Heath Edwards.

According to Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke, Ratuniyarawa’s victims suffered from psychological and physical stress. All the offenses are aggravated because you were under the influence of alcohol and I bear in mind physical injury was caused as well as psychological injury that was caused on all three occasions,” she said, passing judgment on the athlete. “I observe that you only stopped for all three offenses because someone else stepped in. “However, since you are a man of positive, good character, and you have no prior convictions, I accept that your feelings of regret and shame are real, and I take into consideration the actions you have taken to address the root of this behavior.” Ratuniyarawa played for Fiji in the 2015 and 2019 World Cups, earning 36 caps for his country.


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