Leaked image: Rodgers & Nicholson attend major Celtic stakeholder meet up

Leaked image: High-profile investors were present at Celtic Park on Tuesday for an exclusive festive lunch, which the team’s manager Brendan Rodgers, CEO Michael Nicholson, and CFO Chris McKay hosted on behalf of the team.


Brendan Rodgers


The lunch’s structure stood out in particular because it included a question-and-answer period that promoted an honest and open discussion. The club’s stakeholders must be encouraged to trust and support one another, which calls for an interactive approach.

This week, a picture of the lunch guest list appeared online. displaying prominent figures such as Willie Haughey in attendance, along with actor and Celtics supporter Tony Roper.



The luncheon’s agenda revolved around the club’s strategy. There was some doubt in the room, but Michael Nicholson and Brendan Rodgers were reassuring everyone about the path ahead, particularly in terms of recruiting, a source told CeltsAreHere.

This news is welcome news for Celtic fans, especially in light of the criticism levelled at the team’s hiring strategy since the summer transfer window closed.

Only Luis Palma has established himself as the Hornets’ reliable starter among the summer additions. The difference between first and second place in the transfer market in January could be attributed to this possible proactive approach.



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