Breaking News: 17-Year old Fiji Rugby Star pursues mum’s dream

17-year-old Anare Tabakaucoro is one of the youngest members of the Fiji Rugby HPU Elite Academy and is a rising star in the making. The Year 12 student at Queen Victoria School was part of the 2023 Vodafone Deans U18 Champion team and has now earned a spot in the academy. Tabakaucoro is a testament of determination and family support which has been a driving force in his rugby path.

Official Website of Fiji Rugby Union » Tabakaucoro pursues mum's dream

Tabakaucoro’s rugby journey began at the tender age of 9 when he first touched the rugby ball at Namara District School. He said he was inspired by the unwavering belief of his single mother, Selina Moceinavaga who had always supported him. “My mother was the reason I took up the sport, she wanted me to play rugby for the family and for my village just like my uncle, Moana Pasifika winger Jim Tavatavanawai,” he said. Tabakaucoro’s mother, is a food vendor at the Suva market and in moments


between school and rugby, the youngster would help his mother with her daily business. “So rugby for me, was not just a game but I want to be able to offer my mother a better future, I see how she works hard everyday and I want to give back.” Tabakaucoro also hopes to become an electrical engineer. “I also am working hard in school to become an electrical engineer, I know rugby is not a long term career so its


good to have something to fall back on,” he said. The Nakalawaca, Namara in Tailevu lad said joining the academy at his age is a blessing as things learnt in camp has been more than just rugby. “These past few days we learn a lot about values, being better men not only on the field but off the field as well, this will

greatly help me to become a better person in the future,” he said. Tabakaucoro continues his high school education next year and will be part of the academy through the 2024 season.


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